Friday, December 11, 2009

Just for the fun of it, i found this photo that will really excite the ending of new moon!


Monday, September 28, 2009

Loft Vid

For those of you who didn't have the chance to watch Michael's Taupok Video, I've uploaded the video to this link, please download and watch ok! haha most of the critics were positive, so its a must must watch ok! Enjoy!

Taupok -

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Didn't know what to do with so much photos, so I decide to put it all here..


Cool series of Aishah and Gab..

They blushed so hard!!

That they burnt their tongues out!

All stone already huh!

Aiyo steph.. you lost issit??


One's never enough, Shen Li and Aishah go public!!

Eh Aishah?! =P

Andrew the weeping demon!! hahaah

Children that Stevie don't know he had hehehe

I surely wouldn't buy the camera if this was an ad.. haha

Wendy got bush!! =PP

Good friends that i hang out with everytime..

Not looking forward to attachment man..


Tuesday, July 14, 2009

PALME Asia 2009

Hi Everyone,

How are all you guys. The blog seem dead so I am just going to post something about my attachment and PALME Asia 2009. Our Company, The Show Co, has setup a booth at hall402 not sure which booth, but has the biggest thrust. We have been there for the past 2 days setting up the event. At the booth are some new lights from the company and a cheap Led Mesh that is also currently at the NDP. Hope you all can spare some time to go down and see this nice lights and also get to know more about our attachment and what we have done. The lights are by High End System.Below are some of the lights and the links to the sites of this lights

Show Gun 2.5

Show Pix(LED Light)

DML-1200(Video Projection Light)

So go down to see our booth. It is beside the VIP Lounge at level 4.

Here are some of the links:-
High End System Lights

To those who are going to The Show Co. for attachment you all will learn alot of stuff.

Ben Chan signing off going back tommorrow to do finish some LED panels at the exhibition stage area.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Newest Weird Invention

Guess what folks, i must say, this is something new, haven't been made before. This is the new NEC WIDEST LCD monitor for PCs. Take a look.

I would say this is the SHIT!!!! might be getting one.. the display is 2 times my macbook pro, which is 2880 x 900 but it can go up to 4000 plus reso!!! WOA!!! This is the ultimate la.. so people, if you say you cannot see what is on the screen, this might be the solution to your ignorant eyes hahahah

Think of the games you will be playing, the movies u will be watching on the screen.. it will be a new experience!! Even that guy is playing CRYSIS on the new screen!! Imagine he can spot u from angles that is out of ur range! I think if we play CS, everyboddy also will camp la.. hahaa current price is about i dont know haha! but i know the contrast ratio is higher than the usual 10000:1. Enjoy..


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Michael's Top Tip

Having trouble to maintain 2 email accounts? Using one of the email account more often meanwhile don't want to miss anything that receive by another account? Have no idea how to compensate with these email accounts?

Now, Michael's Top Tip is going to show you that how can you divert your email from one account to another account.

I will show the way to set it up step by step.

Step 1:
Log in to the account that you wish to divert the emails. Example, I want to divert the emails from my school account to my personal email account.

You need to set up a new contact first so later it can divert to your contact, which is the email address that you wish to divert.

Key in any information that you think is necessary, of course name and the email address are the must.

When you done just click save & close button.

Step 2:
Go to Tools tab....

Choose New Mail Rule

It will pop up a new Create Rule window.
Step 3:
Under Create conditions session, change the sender to ALL DOCUMENTS.

Then press the ADD button.

Step 4:
Under Create action session, change the 'move to folder' command to 'send copy to'.

It will add a new input bar and you need to click the button that just beside it.

It will pop up a new window that ask you to choose the contact that you want to send to.
Select the contact and press the 'ADD' button. Press OK after you done these.

Get back to the Create Rule window and press the add button to add in the action that you chosen just now.

So now you should see the exactly setting like this:
Just click the OK button and now you will get thing done.

You should be able to see the new rule that you set it just now.

Now you can divert the school emails to your personal account and also can reply to the sender. This is seriously brilliant. So you cannot find any excuses for forgotten to read your school email.

Thanks and hope it will be helpful to you.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


New Mac virus threatening internet pirates

Tens of thousands of users who’ve downloaded pirated versions of iWork ‘09 or Photoshop CS4 may have opened their Macs to remote attacks from malicious users. Mac security software maker Intego discovered last week what it calls “OSX.Trojan.iServices.A” in pirated copies of Apple’s iWork ‘09 making the rounds on BitTorrent file sharing networks.  An additional package not found in retail copies of the iWork installer called “iWorkServices.pkg” is installed as a startup item with read/write/execute abilities with the pirated versions. According to Intego, the rogue software connects to a remote server to notify its creator that the trojan has been installed on different Macs, and he or she can “connect to them and perform various actions remotely”, including downloading additional components to the machine.

Intego considers the risk of infection to be serious, warning of “extremely serious consequences” if a user’s Mac is compromised by software. The security firm said 20,000 people had already downloaded the installer at the time of its alert.  As of now, Intego counts 1,000 more since the initial warning. As part of its update, Intego also says it has discovered a new variant of the same Trojan horse called “OSX.Trojan.iServices.B”, which can be found in pirated versions of Adobe Photoshop CS4.  This installer has already been downloaded by 5,000 people who are now at risk, the firm says. Once the administrator password is entered, a backdoor with root privileges is launched, copying the executable to /usr/bin/DivX and a startup item in /System/Library/StartupItems/DivX.  It then makes repeated connections to two IP addresses, according to Intego. A malicious user can then connect to the affected Macs and perform various actions and downloads remotely.  Intego predicts this Trojan horse may also be used to execute similar DDoS attacks.

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